The Desert of Stolen Dreams - Signature Page

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  1. THE DESERT OF STOLEN DREAMS: Signature Page - A black ink and gray pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 size vellum paper. It appears in the book, "The Desert of Stolen Dreams," by Robert Silverberg, published by Underwood-Miller in 1981.

    I have read about the lives of many people, those from our contemporary world and those who made their mark throughout history. There is one man who stands out far above them all; in his broad and deep knowledge of many subjects, in his inventive abilities, and in his artistry. He seemed to be the "complete" man, he knew everything and could do everything.

    He lived about 500 years ago. His notebooks are marvelous revelations of his ideas and inventions, he was a master of engineering, anatomy, geology, biology, optics, mathematics, geometry and other subjects that were eventually incorporated in schools throughout the world.

    He wrote a letter to the Duke of Milan, hoping for employment. In part he included; "I can construct light and portable bridges for use in pursuing or retreating from an enemy. I have methods of removing water from ditches surrounding castles and fortresses, to construct ladders of infinite variety to scale walls of all sizes. I can make explosive bombs to throw in showers of missiles against an enemy fortress, as well as smoke bombs to bring great confusion and terror to your enemies. I have ways of reaching any point no matter how high, how far, or whatever barriers are made to prevent access to that point. I can make a variety of new and effective weapons to use against an enemy. In time of peace I can design and build great buildings for government or private use, as well as waterways, aqueducts, required in the making of cities. I can also execute large sculptures and monuments to honor your greatness."

    He was hired, and during 16 years of employment for the Duke, among other things, he constructed a great cathedral, built a canal with locks, drained marshlands, invented the machine gun and breach loading canon.

    He accomplished a lot more during his lifetime, but you know him as the artist who painted the "Mona Lisa" and "The Last Supper," his name is Leonardo Da Vinci -

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